Fred Fa has been drawing for as long as he can remember. He was born with a pencil in his hand. At the age of sixteen, when he started to produce his first portraits, his passion for design led him to the world of jewellery, quite by accident or perhaps because it was meant to be. This was a real revelation for him, prompting him to train to become a jewellery designer, learning traditional manufacturing techniques.
After graduating from a prestigious jewellery school, he spent ten years working behind the scenes as a designer for a renowned jeweller’s.
In 2009, he decided to become a free-lance designer, working in France and Asia, founding his own design studio. After a few years, he was finally ready to start producing his own designs, which is why he established “PRIVILEGE CREATION”, which enabled him to express his vision and his philosophy.
His creations are different, ingenious and even humorous. Everything he touches literally turns to gold.
A skilled designer, he produces all his sketches, technical designs and gouache drawings, which are veritable artworks, by hand.
His perfect command of the manufacturing process, his skill when it comes to sculpting/modelling and his in-depth technological know-how all contribute to making him an exceptional jeweller.

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